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We are nothing more than a pair of tabletop gamers who happen to be married. We have experienced many a challenging game night, including an occasional guest appearance from our local feline friends... Send help. Painting miniatures has been an excellent pastime that we have both grown to enjoy. We then expanded our hobbies a fair bit into other stuff like 3D printing because of the absolutely sick models that a lot of artists have made. Plus the fact that you can customize your tabletop a lot more when you can print your own models. Then, we just decided to make a business out of it... so yeah... here's our website.

A little about miniatures & painting

Having miniatures is a huge step for a lot of tables, both in regard to mechanical clarity of your combat and expressive roleplay. Being able to use literal grids and figures to find spell distances, movement options or different ways to play off of the other PC's can really speed up the flow of combat while also making it easier for the DM to track NPCs. As a DM of 12 years myself, I can honestly say that running a game is far easier using these 3D representations on a full size grid compared to a piece of graph paper with lined out dungeons on it (Hello middle school me!). Plus, I've found that my players feel more aware of how their character reacts. It's a very different reaction when the DM says 5 dire wolves leap out of the forest versus slapping down the most brutal looking wolves you've ever seen onto the table while asking for initiative. And what if I told you that there was an even bigger step past the grey scale miniatures so many play groups get stuck with?


Having painted minis can take things to a completely different realm. Instead of saying bandit 1, 2, 3, it's instead that bandit with the red hooded cap, the one with the black wood bow or that other guy with the sky blue trousers. It makes your enemies feel more real, rather than just numbers on a board. Despite being just regular bandits, they seem more like they can fit into the world that you and your friends have worked to create. I also find it easier to come up with on the fly personalities for random NPC's when they already have some kind of inbuilt personality. I do understand why a lot of people end up sticking to grey scale miniatures though.


Learning to paint miniatures is a huge endeavor for a lot of people, especially if you really care about the specific look of the model. It takes a lot of practice and investment into the right tools in order to really do well and progress. Not to mention that you constantly have to solicit feedback from your friends, family and most importantly... completely random people at game stores. See, miniature painting is a bit of a unique art where you are trying to take a half finished product and fit it to the imagination of not just your client, but everyone at their table as well. Usually, these are also people who are mostly unknown to you. Trying to physically express the imagination of several strangers at once in such a way that isn't immersion breaking for any of them can be a difficult task. It's also incredibly satisfying to watch a table of players lose it while the DM pulls out the Tarrasque you made for them.


Anyway, I hope this gives you some insight into what we are trying to provide for you and your group as well as some of the motivation for this business. I hope you get to have a great time with your friends playing whatever games you can together. As always, keep the cat off the table, and have an awesome game!


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